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10th English unit 6 poem No Men Are Foreign

10th English

Unit 6 Poem

No Men Are Foreign

10th English unit 6 poem No Men Are Foreign 
Tamilnadu Samacheer Kalvi 10th English Solutions Poem 6 No Men Are Foreign
10th English Guide No Men Are Foreign Textbook Questions and Answers

A. Based on the understanding of the poem, read the following lines and answer the questions given below.

1. “Beneath all uniforms, a single body breathes
Like ours: the land our brothers walk upon
Is earth like this, in which we all shall lie”
(a) What is found beneath all uniforms?
(b) What is same for every one of us?
(c) Where are we all going to lie finally?
(d) What is the alliterated words in the 2nd line?
(e) What is the figure of speech in the 2nd and 3rd line?
(a) Human body is found beneath all uniforms.
(b) The earth we walk up on is the same for every one of us.
(c) We are all going to lie beneath the earth.
(d) beneath; body; breathes
(e) Simile

2. “They, too, aware of sun and air and water,
Are fed by peaceful harvests, by war’s long winter starv ’d.
(a) What is common for all of us? (or) What are they aware of?
(b) How are we fed?
(c) Mention the season referred here.
(a) The sun, air and water are common for all of us.
(b) We are fed by peaceful harvest.
(c) The winter season

3. Their hands are ours, and in their lines we read A labour not different from our own.
(a) Who does “their” refer to?
(b) What does the poet mean by lines we read?
(c) What does not differ?
(d) “Are fed by peaceful harvest, by war’s long winter starved” What is the figure of speech
(a) Their refers to men from different countries.
(b) Lines that show hard work done by the hands.
(c) Labour does not differ.
(d) in this line transferred epithet

4. “Let us remember, whenever we are told
To hate our brothers, it is ourselves
That we shall dispossess, betray, condemn ”
(a) Who tells us to hate our brothers?
(b) What happens when we hate our brothers?
(c) What do we do to ourselves?
(a) The evil rulers tell us to hate our brothers.
(b) When we hate our brothers, we hate ourselves.
(c) We dispose, betray and blame ourselves.

5. “Our hells of fire and dust outrage the innocence
Of air that is everywhere our own,
Remember, no men are foreign, and no countries Strange ”
(a) What outrages the innocence?
(b) Who are not foreign?
(c) What is not strange?
(d) Who defiles the earth?
(a) The fire and the dust during a war outrage the innocence.
(b) The people of this earth are not foreign.
(c) Every country on this earth is not strange.
(d) The men who fight with each other defile our earth.

Additional Questions and Answers

1. Remember they have eyes like ours that wake Or sleep, and strength that can be won By love
(a) What do they have like ours?
(b) What do the eyes do?
(c) How can strength be won?
(a) They have eyes like ours.
(b) The eyes wake up or sleep.
(c) Strength can be won by love.

2. In every land is common life
That all can recognize and understand
(a) What is common in every land?
(b) What can all recognise and understand?
(a) Life is common in every land.
(b) All can recognise and understand that life is common in everyland.

3. Remember we who take arms against each other
It is the human earth that we defile
(a) Who defiles the earth?
(b) Whose earth is this?
(a) We who take arms against each other defile the earth.
(b) This is our earth. It is the human earth.

4. Or sleep, and strength that can be won.
Pick out the words that are in alliteration in this line.
The alliterated words are: Sleep, Strength

5. Remember, we who take arms against each other.
Write down the words that are in assonance here.
The words in assonance are : arm, against.

6. Beneath all uniforms, a single body breathes like ours;
(a) Who does all refer to?
(b) What does the poet denote?
(a) All refers to the people from the countries.
(b) The poet denotes universal brother hood and equality.
Samacheer Kalvi 10th English Guide Poem 6 No Men Are Foreign

7. Are fed by peaceful harvests, by war’s long winter starv’d
What is the poetic device employed here?
The poetic device employed here is’transferred epithet’. It is used in the phrase – “winter starv’d”.

8. Our hells of fire and dust outrage the innocence.
(a) What is the figure of speech used here?
Metaphor is used here. ‘Hells of fire’ is a metaphor.

9. Remember, no men are strange, no countries foreign
Remember, they have eyes like ours that wake
Remember, we who take arms against each other
Remember, no men are foreign, and no countries strange
What is the figure of speech used in these lines?
The figure of speech used here is ‘repetition’.

B. Based on your understanding of the poem complete the following by choosing the appropriate words/phrases given in brackets:

This poem is about the ………………….. (1) …………………… of all men. The subject of the poem is the …………………. (2) …………………. race, despite of the difference in colour, caste, creed, religion , country etc. All human beings are same. We walk on the ……………… (3) ……………….. and w/-e will be buried under it. Each and everyone of us are related to the other. We all are born same and die in the same way. We may wear different uniforms like ………………….. (4) ………………… during wars the opposing side will also have the same …………………… (5) ……………….. like ours. We as human do the same labour with ……………….. (6) ………………… and look at the world with the …………………. (7) ………………… Waging war against others as they belong to different country is like attacking our own selves. It is the ………………… (8) ………………….. we impair. We all share the same ……………………. (9) …………………….. We are similar to each other. So the poet concludes that we shouldn’t have wars as it is …………………… (10) ……………………. to fight against us.
(unity of human, dreams and aspirations, same land, our hands, unnatural, breathing body, same eyes, brotherhood, language, human earth)
unity of human
same land
breathing body
our hands
same eyes
dreams and aspirations
human earth

C. Based on your understanding of the poem answer the following questions in a paragraph of about 100-150 words.

1. What is the central theme of the poem “No Men are Foreign”.
In this poem “No men are foreign” James Falconer Kirkup discusses the dreams and aspirations of all men.
Theme of the poem:
The theme of the poem ¡s the unity of human race, despite the differences in colour, caste, creed, religion, country, etc.
All are equal:
All human beings are the same. We walk on the human earth and we will be buried under it. Breathing, walking and lying are the same for everyone of us.
Life is common:
We can read and understand the hard work of everyone through their palm lines. We can understand that life is common in every land.
Never hate our brothers:
When we hate our brothers. We hate ourselves. We deprive, deceive and condemn ourselves, when we hate them. The men who fight only pollute the earth waging war against others is like attacking ourselves.
The poem concludes that we shouldn’t have war, since it is unnatural to fight against ourselves. The poet asks us to remember the people of other countries are not foreign and the other countries are not strange.


Poem: No men are foreign
Poet: James Falconer Kirkup
Theme: Universal brotherhood
Human beings are same. We walk on the same land. We will be buried under it. We are related to each other. We all utilise the sunlight, air and water. We live by the food crops of the earth. All have their dreams and aspiration like us. We do the same labour with our hands. We look at the world with the same eyes. We hate ourselves, when we hate our brothers. We are similar to each other. We shouldn’t have war and fight against them.
Human beings are same.
In the world, all are brothers.
We live and die in the same earth.
The sun, air, water are common to all.
We live by the earth food crops.
Land is common to all.
Love strengthens us.
During war, we hate our brothers.
So, learn to live in peace with all.

2. The poem “No Men are Foreign” has a greater relevance ¡n today’s world – Elucidate.
The poem “No men are foreign” has a greater relevance ¡n today’s world. Let us see what are the relevance in today’s world.
Theme of the poem:
The poem tells us about unity of human race, despite the differences ¡n colour, caste, creed, etc. The poet tells that there are a lot of conflicts and disasters in and out of every country.
Today’s world:
This has totally affected the world peace and harmony. We defile our earth by means of war. Enmity and hatred must be given to peace and harmony. The earth is full of fire and dust created by means of war. We should not hate our brothers.
In such situation of considering the earth as the single living place for all, we shall live together, strengthened by love. Thus the earth will be a better place and there will be no more of fire and dust.


The poem ‘No Men are Foreign’ has a greater relevance in today’s world. There are a lot of fights and disasters in and out of every countries. The wars are always there between countries for one matter or the other. This has totally affected the world peace and harmony. No one wants to be defeated by the other.
No one bothers about the damage caused to the countries and the loss of lives of lot of people. People pay more attention to the differences and shoot troubles always. As there is no love and spirit of brotherhood, they wage war every now and then. Enmity and hatred must be given to maintain peace and harmony.
Let us consider the earth as the single living place for all who live on it. In such a situation we shall live together, strengthened by love, admiring one another with better understanding. Thus the earth will be a paradise and there will be no more hell of fire and dust.


This poem has greater relevance to the present world.
There is endless war everywhere.
There is no spirit of brotherhood.
We look at others as different creations.
But we are the same and live on the same earth.
We have fights and confusions because of our nationalism and racism.
We can overcome this if we think about the oneness of mankind.
Our inventions destroy us.
Only understanding each other can save us.
Love alone can bind us and bring out of our blind thoughts.
The earth will be our paradise if we give up the differences.
Let “No Men are Foreign” be our motto to promote us to peaceful life.
No Men Are Foreign Summary of the poem

Te poem ‘No men are foreign’ tells about that no people unity of human race. The people of one country shouldn’t think the people other countries as stranger. The poet tells that they are all humans same as the we should not hate it brothers. At last the poet asks us to to remember that no men are strange and no countries foreign.
Condemn – express complete disapproval
Labour – hardwork
Betray – disloyal
Defile – damage the purity or appearance
Outrage – extremely strong reaction of anger shock


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