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10th English Unit 1 Supplementary The Tempest

10th English Unit 1 


The Tempest

10th English Unit 1 Supplementary The Tempest, Tamilnadu Samacheer Kalvi 10th English Solutions Supplementary Chapter 1 The Tempest | 10th english supplementary the tempest summary, 
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10th English Guide Supplementary The Tempest Textbook Questions and Answers

A. Choose the correct answer

Question 1.
………………… was the chief of all spirits.
(a) Sycorax
(b) Caliban
(c) Ariel
(d) Prospero
(c) Ariel

Question 2.
…………………. raised a dreadful storm
(a) Ariel
(b) Prospero
(c) Miranda
(d) Sycorax
(b) Prospero

Question 3.
Miranda was brought to the island …………………. years ago
(a) fourteen
(b) ten
(c) twelve
(d) five
(c) twelve

Question 4.
Prospero ordered Ariel to bring …………………. to his place
(a) Gonzalo
(b) Ferdinand
(c) King of Naples
(d) Antonio
(b) Ferdinand

Question 5.
…………………. had provided Prospero formerly with books and provisions
(a) Antonio
(b) Ferdinand
(c) Gonzalo
(d) Ariel
(c) Gonzalo

Question 6.
The second human being that Miranda saw on this island was …………………
(a) Ariel
(b) Prospero
(c) Ferdinand
(d) Ganzalo
(c) Ferdinand

B. Identify the character or speaker

Question 1.
She imprisoned the spirits in the bodies of large trees?

Question 2.
He was the chief of all spirits?

Question 3.
I was the Duke of Milan, and you were a princess?

Question 4.
What a trouble must I have been to you then?

Question 5.
Now pray tell me, sir, your reason for raising this sea-storm?

Question 6.
I will soon move you.

Question 7.
I will tie your neck and feet together.

Question 8.
I must finish my task before I take my rest.

Question 9.
He repented and implored his brother’s forgiveness.

C. Answer the following questions in one or two sentences.

Question 1.
Who were the inhabitants of the island?
Prospero and his daughter Miranda were the inhabitants of the island.

Question 2.
What powers did Prospero possess?
Prospero possessed the powers of the duke of Milan.

Question 3.
Who was Caliban? What was he employed for?
Caliban was an ugly monster. He was employed for fetching wood and doing the most laborious offices.

Question 4.
Who were on the ship? How were they related to Prospero?
Prospero, Antonio, Gonzalo and Miranda were on the ship. Antonio was the brother of Prospero. Gonzalo was the lord of his court and Miranda was his little daughter.

Question 5.
Why had Prospero raised a violent storm in the sea?
Prospero had raised a violent storm in the sea to destroy the ship.

Question 6.
How did Miranda feel when her father raised the storm to destroy the ship?
Miranda felt that all the people will perish when his father raised the storm to destroy the ship.

Question 7.
What was Ariel ordered to do with the people on the ship?
Ariel was ordered that no person in the ship shall receive any hurt.

Question 8.
Give two reasons why Miranda was so concerned about Ferdinand?
Ferdinand was a handsome young man and he seemed to be a true man. On these two reasons Miranda was so concerned about Ferdinand.

Question 9.
Why did Prospero set Ferdinand a severe task to perform?
Prospero wanted to try Ferdinand’s constancy. So he set Ferdinand a severe task to perform.

Question 10.
How was Gonzalo helpful to Prospero when he left Milan?
Gonzalo helped Prospero by providing books and provisions when he left Milan.

D. Answer the questions in a paragraph of about 100-150 words.

Question 1.
Write a detailed character sketch of Prospero?
Prospero was an old man. He was the famous Duke of Milan. People of Milan loved him very much. He was fond of reading magic books. He was sent to an Island by his cunning brother Antonio. Prospero lived in the Island and wanted to restore the kingdom.

Antonio’s cunningness:
Antonio brother of Prospero wanted to usurp the kingdom. So, by his cunningness he ursurped the kingdom. He sent them to an Island. He and his daughter were the only inhabitants of the Island. Ariel was the chief spirit. He obeyed them.

Prospero’s Revenge:
Prospero was a genuine person. One day, his brother Antonio, the King of Naples and Lord Gonzalo were travelling by ship. Knowing this Prospero ordered Ariel to wreck the ship. Ariel brought Ferdinand Prospero gave hardwork to Ferdinand. In turn Miranda and Ferdinand started loving each other.

Returning of Kingdom:
Ariel made Antonio and the King of Naples to repent for their deeds. Antonio with sad words of sorrow, repented for his mistake. Thus, Prospero restored his kingdom.

Prospero returned to his kingdom. He set Ariel free. Ariel thanked Prospero and left. Thus Miranda and Ferdinand got married. Prospero became the king of Milan. He was a noble man.


Prospero was an old man. He was a famous Duke of Milan. People of Milan loved him very much. He lived in an island. His daughter Miranda was a beautiful lady. He had released many good spirits from a witch called Sycorax. The spirits were obedient to him. Ariel was the chief among these spirits.

Prospero was deprived of his power by his false brother Antonio. His brother forced Prospero and his daughter into a small boat to die in the sea. But they reached the island and lived there. Prospero was a genuine person. Once Prospero raised a tempest. Prosper wanted Ferdinand to marry his daughter Miranda.

He tested by means of some hard tasks. He forgave his false brother Antonio and the king of Naples. Prospero embraced his brother. He restored their ship to them. Before he left the island. He dismissed Ariel from his service. Prospero was kind not only to his daughter but also to all. He was a noble man.

Question 2.
Narrate how Prospero made his enemies repent to restore his dukedom?
Prospero was the Duke of Milan. His brother Antonio wanted to usurp the dukedom from him. So, he sent Prospero and his daughter to an Island. Now, Prospero wanted the enemies to repent for their deeds.

Prospero’s Revenge:
Prospero, by knowing the arrival of his brother Antonio and the king of Naples ordered Ariel to wreck the ship. Ariel wrecked the ship and brought Ferdinand to the island. Ariel tormented Antonio and king of Naples. He tormented them till they repented for their mistake.

Ariel’s work:
Ariel brought Antonio and King of Naples and Lord Gonzalo. At first they couldn’t recognize him. He discovered himself to lord Gonzalo. The king realised. Antonio repented for his mistake. In turn, Prospero told that Miranda and Ferdinand got married.

Repentance of enemies:
Ariel made Antonio and the King of Naples to repent for their deeds. Antonio with sad words of sorrow, repented for his mistake. Thus, Prospero restored his kingdom.

Thus, Prospero restored the kingdom. He restored their ship and freed Ariel from the service.


Prospero had raised storms with the help of the spirits. Once his enemies, the King of Naples and his cruel brother Antonio were cast ashore. Prospero ordered his chief spirit Ariel to torment them. The King of Naples and Antonio the false brother repented of their injustice to Prospero. He asked Ariel to bring them there.

They could not recognise him. He first discovered himself to the good old Gonzalo, the preserver of his life and then his brother. The king realised that he was the injured Prospero.

When his brother implored his forgiveness, he forgave him. He gave his daughter Miranda as a gift to the king. Prospero told them not to remember their past trouble. He embraced his brother assuring him of his forgiveness. He restored their ship and also freed Ariel.


Prospero was the famous Duke of Milan.
People of Milan loved Prospero.
His brother Antonio seized the kindgom.
Antonio sent away Prospero and Miranda to an island.
Prospero released good spirits.
A good spirit helped them.
Prospero raised storm to wreck the ship.
All of them reached the Island.
Ferdinand and Miranda loved each other.
Prospero’s enemies repented for their fault.
Prospero forgave them.

E. Rearrange the following sentences in coherent order.


Coherent Order:

Prospero and Miranda came to an island and lived in a cave.
Using his powers, Prospero released the good spirits from large bodies of trees.
He raised a violent storm in the sea to wreck the ship of his enemies.
He ordered Ariel to torment the inmates of the ship.
Ariel was instructed to bring Ferdinand, the Prince of Naples to his cave.
Ferdinand was the second human whom Miranda had seen after her father.
Miranda was attracted by Ferdinand and had more concern towards him.
Prospero wanted to test Ferdinand and gave a severe task to perform.
The King of Naples, and Antonio the false brother, repented the injustice they had done to Prospero.
Prospero forgave them and restored his dukedom, Milan.

10th English Unit 1 Supplementary The Tempest, Tamilnadu Samacheer Kalvi 10th English Solutions Supplementary Chapter 1 The Tempest | 10th english supplementary the tempest summary, 
10th english book back answers, 10th english guide, 10th english the tempest paragraph, 10th english supplementary paragraph pdf, 10th english supplementary story in english, the tempest 10th supplementary in english, 10th english supplementary story in tamil
10th English Guide Supplementary The Tempest Textbook Questions and Answers


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