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10th English Unit 2 Poem The Grumble Family

10th English

Unit 2 Poem

The Grumble Family

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10th English Solutions Poem 2 The Grumble Family

10th English Guide The Grumble The Grumble Family Textbook Questions and Answers

A. Read the following lines from the poem and answer the questions given below.

1. There’s a family nobody likes to meet;
They live, it is said, on Complaining Street
(a) Where does the family live?
(b) Why do you think the street is named as ‘Complaining Street’?
(a) The family lives on Complaining street.
(b) I think the street is named as ‘Complaining Street’ because there is a family which is always complaining and no one likes to meet them.

10th English Guide Poem 2 The Grumble Family

2. They growl at that and they growl at this;
Whatever comes, there is something amiss;
(a) What does the word ‘growl’ mean here?
(b) Why do they find everything amiss?
(a) The word growl here means ‘grumbling’.
(b) They find everything amiss, since they are not satisfied or contented with anything.

3. Nothing goes right with the folks you meet Down on that gloomy Complaining Street
(a) What is the opinion about the folks you meet down the street?
(b) What does the word ‘gloomy’ mean here?
(a) The folks you meet down the street are always in trouble and are complaining.
(b) Here ‘gloomy’ means ‘depressing’.

4. The worst thing is that if anyone stays
Among them too long, he will learn their ways;
(?) What is the worst thing that can happen if anyone stays with them?
(b) What are the ways of the Grumble family?
(a) The worst thing that can happen if anyone stays with them is that they too will start complaining and become one with them.
(b) The ‘Grumble Family’ growl at anything and everything so much that they sometimes growl that they have nothing to grumble about.

5. And so it were wisest to keep our feet From wandering into Complaining Street;
(a) What is the wisest thing that the poet suggests?
(b) What does the phrase ‘to keep our feet from wandering’ refer to?
(a) The wisest thing is to avoid wandering into the complaining street.
(b) The phrase, ‘to keep our feet from wandering’ refer to restricting your path from strolling.

6. Let us learn to walk with a smile and a song,
No matter if things do sometimes go wrong;
(a) What does the poet expect everyone to learn?
(b) What should we do when things go wrong sometimes?
(a) The poetess expects everyone to learn to walk with a smile and a song even when things go wrong.
(b) Even when things go wrong, we need to feel happy and be cheerful.

B. Answer the following questions in about 80-120 words.

Question 1.
Write a paragraph on ‘The Grumble Family’ and their attitude towards other folks.
L.M. Montgomery Canadian Peters in his poem. The Grumble family depicts the nature of the family.

Pessimistic Family:
The grumble family is pessimistic family. It lives in ‘complaining street’ in the city of ‘Never-Are- Satistified’, which is beside the ‘River of Discontent’. The members of the family are always discontented. Nobody wants to meet them since they are unique from others.

Their complaints:
They are dissatisfied with everything. Whatever happens in their lives, they complain about it. Rain or sun, summer or winter, high or humble they will not fail to grumble.

Their Attitude:
They approach everything with a negative aspect. They find fault with each and everything. They are well known with the name of Grumble. Nobody wish to be with them since they may also get affected by this attitude.

We should not grumble for everything that happens in our life.


Title: The Grumble family
Poet: Lucy Maud Montgomery
Moral : Complaining is an insult to God

The Grumble family lives on complaining street. No one likes to meet them since they are unique from others. They are never satisfied with their life. They grumble at everything.

They approach everything with a negative aspect they find fault in everything. They are always gloomy in nature. They never stop grumbling. Even if something good happens they grumble. Nobody wish to be with them since they may also get affected by this attitude. Live life with a smile and a song don’t grumble for everything.


The grumble family lives in complaining street.
They growl and find fault for everything in life.
They are not happy with anything in life.
They complain about the weather rain and the Sun.
They approach everything with a negative . aspect.
We should keep away from the grumble family.
We should not worry when things go wrong.
Live life with a smile and song.
Don’t grumble for everything.

10th English Guide Poem 2 The Grumble Family

Question 2.
If you were to live in the Complainant Street how would you deal with the people who grumble?
“The Grumble Family” by L.M. Montgomery tells us about a pessimistic family. They live in a complaining street. The poem tells about their attitude.

Pessimistic family:
The Grumble family is a pessimistic family. They live in a complaining street. The members of the family are always discontented. They complain about everything and anything.

Their complaints and attitude:
They are dissatisfied always. They complain even for little things. They approach everything with a negative aspect. Nobody wanted to see them and live with them.

My solution:
If I were to live in the street. I would advise them to be optimistic. I would teach them the patience and work hard to meet their needs. They are always gloomy in nature. I would encourage them to be positive always. I would make them to live a worry free life and make them an optimist.

We should not grumble for everything that happens in life. I would make them an optimist regardless of their status high or humble.


If I were living in the complaining Street with the grumbling people, I would be happy. I would show them my attitude towards life. I would be cheerful and try to attract them towards me by my benign behaviour. I would teach them the goodness of life and its value. I would inculcate good habits in them.

I would make them love others and be loved by others. I would try my best to eliminate anxiety and hatred from their minds. I would discourage them from being idle and keeping pessimistic attitudes in their hearts. I would help them not to worry on silly and useless things. If they could bury their worries, they would cherish in their lives. My main idea would be to make them happy and lead a very successful life.

“Happiness depends upon ourselves”


If I were to live with people who grumble.
I would be optimistic
I would tell them to be contented ¡n life.
I would teach not to worry,
I would try to help them to love
I would try to eliminate the negative attitude.
I would help them live a happy life with love and peace with social harmony.

10th English Guide Poem 2 The Grumble Family

Question 3.
From the poem ‘The irumwe Family’ – what kind of behaviour does the poet want the readers to possess?
In this paragraph, the poet teaches us how to live optimistically. He compares normal family with a Grumble family. Let us see what happens in this poem.

The Grumble familys behaviour:
The family’s thoughts were always negative. They were always discontented. They focus only on bad things and thoughts. They complain about each and everything.

Poet’s advice:
The poet advises us not to complain about others. He tells us to think always positive. He tells us to focus only on positive and good things. He tells us to be optimistic. The poet wants the readers to be positive. The poet insists us not to be the member of the Grumble family. The poet expects us to lead our life with a smile and a song.

We should be an optimist and not an pessimist. We should not complain about everything that happens in life.


Title: “The Grumble Family”
Poet: Lucy Maud Montgomery.
Characters: Author and readers.
Theme: “Never belong to the family of Grumble”

The poet wants the readers to possess optimism and we must not allow pessimism of others to prevent . the heights of our victory. Many a time we meet people who have nothing good to say. Mostly their comments are negative and critical. Moreover their focus is only bad. The poet wants all of us to be good always and try our best to be an optimist, seeing the good alone.

We must communicate with words which will bring honour to both man and God. We should become the victims of our enemy who will encourage us to murmur and complain. The poet wants us never to belong to the Grumble Family. We are expected to lead cur life with a smile and a song. No matter even if things go wrong.

The poet wants the readers to possess optimism.
We must not allow pessimism of others to affect our victory.
Many times we meet people who have nothing good or positive to say.
Their comments are only negative and bad.
The poet wants us to be good and optimistic.
We must communicate with words which will honour man and God.
We, must not fall for the lies of the enemy and murmur or complain about others later.
The poet wants us not to join the Grumble family but lead a happy life.

C. Answer the following.

Question 1.
“And whether their station be high or humble”
Pick out the alliteration from the above line.
high, humble are the alliterated words here.

Question 2.
Pick out the other examples for alliteration from the poem.
They’d growl that they’d nothing to grumble about!
In the above line, growl and grumble are the alliterated words.
Let us learn to walk with a smile and a song,
In the above line, Let and learn, walk and with, and smile and song are the alliterated words.
Among them too long, he will learn their ways;
In the above line, Jong and learn are the alliterated words.

Question 3.
The weather is always too hot or cold;
Summer and winter alike they scold.
Nothing goes right with the folks you meet
Down on that gloomy Complaining Street.
Pick out the rhyming words and identify the rhyme scheme of the above lines.
The rhyming words are ‘cold and scold’ as well as ‘meet and street’.
The rhyme scheme for the above are, ‘aabb’ pattern.
The Grumble Family (Lucy Maud Montgomery) Literary Devices At A Glance (Figures of Speech)

The Grumble Family Summary of the poem

The poem The Grumble family’ tells about a pessimistic family. For humans now at present complaining has become a hobby. The people live in complaining street. For the folks nothing goes right in their life. The poet advises the readers to stay away from them. And not to get together with them. The poet warns us not to enter their region. If we enter, we will also become a grumbler. The poet with hope says a pessimist can’t lead a happy life but an optimist, always leads a happy life.


discontent (adj) – dissatisfaction with one’s circumstances
amiss (adj) – not quite right
growl (y) – make a low guttural sound in the throat
grumble (n) – a complaint about something in a bad-tempered way
gloomy (adj) – to appear depressing or frightening
queerest (adj) – the strangest or the most unusual
acknowledge – accept or admit the existence or truth of
terrible (adj) – extremely bad or serious
wandering (y) – walking or moving in a leisurely or aimless way


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