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10th English Unit 4 Prose The Attic

10th English Unit 4 Prose The Attic

Tamilnadu Samacheer Kalvi 10th English Solutions Prose Chapter 4 The Attic
Warm up

Look at the image given below.

kalvi sri |  kalvi imayam | 10th English Important Questopn 10th English Guide Prose Chapter 4 The Attic

3. Discuss in group the need for human values?
Man is a social animal. Man possesses human values which makes him superior. The human values unite the human beings. These values make each human being to love, care, forgive and respect one another. Faith is another virtue that helps us be hopeful in life and other matters. It helps us to have confidence and courage.

10th English Guide The Attic InText Questions and Answers

Question (a)
When did Aditya leave the local school?
Aditya left the local school after he had passed the matric examination.

Question (b)
Why did Aditya think that the school would not be recognisable?
The School had undergone many changes. So Aditya thought that the school would not be recognisable.

Question (c)
Who were Aditya’s ancestors?
Aditya’s ancestors were once the Zamindars of Bramhapur.

Question (d)
How was the landscape through which they travelled?
The landscape was spotted with paddy fields on either side of the road.

Question (e)
What did Aditya visit?
Aditya visited the local school.

Question (f)
Where was Nagen uncle’s shop?
Nagen uncle’s shop was next to the grocery shop and opposite to the Lord Shiva temple.

Question (g)
Besides tea, what did Nagen uncle have in his shop?
Besides tea, he had biscuits and savouries.

Question (h)
What did Nagen uncle tell about Sanyal?
Nagen uncle told that Sanyal was short of sight and hearing. He had no money to buy spectacles.

Question (i)
In what way was Mr. Sanyal’s behaviour strange?
Sanya stood up, stretched himself and raised his lean right arm. He began to recite the poem and ran away.

Question (j)
What did Nagen uncle tell about Sanyal’s past life?
Sanyal led a cursed life. He sold his lands to do his daughter’s marriage. He had lost his wife and son.

Question (k)
How did Sanyal show that he had a sense of self respect?
By paying money for his tea and biscuits in the tea shop.

Question (l)
Why was the attics favourite place for the children?
They seem to be in a world of their own.

Question (m)
What did Aditya do on reaching the attic?
On reaching the attic, Aditya searched for an article and found it on the top of the packing case in the attic.

Question (n)
What did the jeweller say about the article?
The jeweller told that the article was an antique.

Question (o)
Was Sanyal happy about his visitors?
No, Sanyal was not happy about his visitors.

Question (p)
Why did Sanyal recite the poem ¡n the tea shop earlier?
She recited the poem in order to make Aditya remember the incidents on the prize giving day.

Question (q)
What was engraved on the medal?
Sriman Sasanka Sanyal-Special Prize for Recitation-1948.

10th English Guide The Attic Textbook Questions and Answers
Answer the following questions in two or three sentences.

1. Write a few lines about the owner of the shop?
The owner of the shop was Nagen uncle. He was sixty. He was rustic in appearance. He was white neatly combed hair and clean look. He was wearing dhoti and a blue striped shirt with a green shawl over it.

2. What was the daily routine of Sanyal?
Sanyal came to the tea shop regularly. He had tea and biscuits. He never failed to pay.

3. Why was there a sudden change in Aditya’s expression?
On hearing Sanyal recite the poem. It was the same poem recited on the prize giving day. So there was a sudden change in Aditya’s expression.

4. Why did Aditya decide to visit his ancestral home?
To revive his childhood memories.

5. What was the condition of the attic?
A portion of a wall of the attic had damaged. The floor was dirty with straw and bird’s dropping.

6. When did Aditya heave a sign of relief? why?
When Aditya had got what he had been looking for in the attic, he heaved a sign of relief. It was Sanyal’s silver medal. He took it from him 29 years ago. He lied that it was lost. Now he wanted to return it to him.

7. Why did Aditya and his friend go to the jeweller?
To find out the weight of the silver medal.

8. What did Aditya offer Sanyal?
Aditya offered Sanyal a sum of one hundred and fifty rupees.

9. ‘Your grievances are absolutely justified’ Who says this to whom? Why?
Aditya said these words to Sanyal. He had wished to pay the cost of the medal to him.

Additional Questions and Answers

1. Where did Aditya continue his studies after his Matriculation examination?
Aditya continued his studies in Calcutta after his matriculation examination.

2. When did Aditya leave his ancestral house?
Aditya left his ancestral house twenty nine years ago.

3. Who were the Zamindar of Bramhapur?
Aditya’s ancestors were the Zamindar of Bramhapur.

4. What did Aditya’s father do in Kolkata?
Aditya’s father set up his own business in Kolkata.

5. What happened after Aditya’s father’s death?
Aditya was looking after his father’s business, after his death.

6. Where did Aditya and his friend decide to go and have tea?
Aditya and his friend decided to go and have tea at Nagen’s tea shop.

7. Where were Aditya and his friend coming from?
Aditya and his friend were coming from Deodarganj.

8. What did Aditya and his friend ask Nagen uncle to give them?
Aditya and his friend asked Nagen uncle to give them two nankhatai each.

9. Why did Nagen uncle remind Mr. Sanyal to go home?
Nagen uncle reminded Mr. Sanyal to go home as it was already 4 p.m

10. What was Sanyal doing when Aditya and his friend enter Sanyal’s house?
Sanyal was busy reciting verses from Tagore when Aditya and his friend entered his house.

11. How did Sanyal recognise Aditya at Nagen uncle’s tea shop?
Sanyal recognised Aditya at Nagen uncle’s tea shop by the mole on his right cheek.

12. Why did Sanyal recite the same poem he had recited on the prize – giving day?
Sanyal recited the same poem that he had recited on the prize – giving day so that Aditya might remember the incidents of that day.

13. What did Aditya request Sanyal with the money?
Aditya requested Sanyal that he would be happy if he had accepted the money.

14. Why did Sanyal not accept the money?
Sanyal did not accept the money because money would be spent soon.

15. How would Sanyal have forgotten the unpleasant incident of his childhood?
Sanyal would have forgotten the unpleasant incident of his childhood if he could get the medal back.

16. What happened eventually after twenty nine long years?
The medal that had been hidden in the attic for twenty – nine long years was eventually restored to its owner.

B. Answer in detail the following questions in about 100-150 words.

1. Give a detailed account of all thoughts and questions in the narrator’s mind while accompanying Aditya from the tea shop to Sanyal’s house?
The “Attic” is a story that depicts a child’s psychology. The narrator wanted to rectifý the mistake that he had done in childhood. Let us see them ¡n detail.

Narrator’s visit:
The narrator and his friend Aditya had visited Aditya’s village after 29 years. They went to Nagen uncle’s tea shop. They saw green fields on either side of the road. They met Nagen uncle. They had tea and biscuits in Nagen uncle’s shop.

Visiting Sanyal:
They met Sasanka Sanyal there. Sanyal suddenly stood up and began to recite the poem “Panraksha” by Tagore. The narrator noticed a sudden change in Aditya’s face. Aditya wanted to see his ancestral house. After reaching, he went to the attic and searched for a medal. The narrator was
confused. They went to the jeweller to find out the weight. Not knowing the narrator asked Aditya to which he didn’t answer.

They went to Kabiraj’s house where Sanyal stayed. Aditya confessed Sanyal for his act of stealing his medal. Then only the narrator know all answers for the questions in his mind.


Title: The Attic
Author: Satyajit Ray
Character: Aditya, his friend, Nagens Uncle and Sasanka Sanyal
Theme: Every moment is a memory waiting to happen.

The narrator and Aditya visited Nagen’s tea shop. Aditya was surprised to see the strange behaviour of Sanyal. But Sanyal noticed the change in Aditya’s expression. Aditya did not give any reason for it. He collcted the details about Sanyal from Nagen’s uncle. He went to his ancestral house.

The narrator thought that Aditya wanted to see his house. He went there and found a medal in the attic. He took it to the jeweller to find out the weight. The narrator asked what it was. He told him that he would know about it soon. Then they went to Jogesh Kabiraj’s house. There they saw Mr. Sanyal. Now the narrator cleared all his doubts through Aditya’s actions.


The narrator and Aditya visited Nagen’s tea shop
Aditya was surprised to see Sanyal’s strange behaviour
Mr. Sanyal also noticed the change in Adítya’s expression.
Aditya gave no reason for it.
He got the detail about Sanyal from Nagen’s uncle.
He went to his ancestral house.
He found a medal there ¡n the attic.
He did not tell the narrator anything about it.
He went to the jeweller to find out its weight.
Then he went to Jogesh Kabirajts house.
There they saw Mr.Sanyal.
Now the narrator understood everything about Aditya’s actions.

2. ‘Man does change with time – What were the various changes that came about in Aditya?
Twenty nine years ago, Aditya was a child of a wealthy family. Sanyal and Aditya studied in same school. Sanyal was always in the first position. Aditya was jealous of Sanyal. One day he took the medal of Sanyal and didnot return to him. He told that he last it.

Narrator’s visit:
The narrator and his friend Aditya had visited Aditya’s village after 29 years. They went to Nagen uncle’s tea shop. They saw green fields on either side of the road. They met Nagen uncle. They had tea and biscuits in Nagen uncle’s shop.

Visiting Sanyal:
They met Sasanka Sanyal there. Sanyal suddenly stood up and began to recite the poem “Panraksha” by Tagore. The narrator noticed a sudden change in Aditya’s face. Aditya wanted to see his ancestral house. After reaching, he went to the attic and searched for a medal. The narrator was confused. They went to the jeweller to find out the weight. Not knowing the narrator asked Aditya to which he didn’t answer.

They went to Kabiraj’s house where Sanyal stayed. Aditya confessed Sanyal for his act of stealing his medal.Then only the narrator know all answers for the questions in his mind.

Title: The Attic
Author: Satyajit Ray
Character: Aditya, his friend, Nagen’s Uncle and Sasanka Sanyal .
Theme: Every moment is a memory waiting to happen.

The narrator and Aditya visited Nagen’s tea shop. Aditya was surprised to see the strange behaviour of Sanyal. But Sanyal noticed the change in Aditya’s expression. Aditya did not give any reason for it. He collected the details about Sanyal from Nagen’s uncle. He went to his ancestral house.

The narrator thought that Aditya wanted to see his house. He went there and found a medal in the attic. He took it to the jeweller to find out the weight. The narrator asked what it was. He told him that he would know about it soon. Then they went to Jogesh Kabiraj’s house. There they saw Mr. Sanyal. Now the narrator cleared all his doubts through Aditya’s actions.


Aditya visited his village after 29 years
He saw Sanyal at the tea shop
Sanyal recited a poem.
Aditya was shocked.
He visited his old house.
He found a medal in the Attic.
He met Sanyal and paid 150 rupees.
Sanyal refused to take it.
He asked for the medal.
He got the medal and felt very happy.

3. Give a brief character sketch of Sasanka Sanyal?
Sasanka Sanyal was the classmate of Aditya. Sanyal was â brilliánt student. In this lesson we can see various changes that came in the life of Sanyal.

About Sanyal:
Sanyal was an intellectual student. Aditya couldn’t beat Sanyal. One day Sanyal got a medal for reciting the poem ‘Panraksha” by Tagore. Aditya was jealous. He asked the medal from Sanyal and he didnot return it. After 29 years, Sanyal lost his wife and only son the year before and stayed in
kabiraj’s house.

Narrator’s visit:
The narrator and Aditya visited Aditya’s village after 29 years. They went to Nagen uncle’s tea shop. They met Sasanka Sanyal there. Sanyal began to recite the poem by Tagore. Aditya realised that the man was Sanyal. He sold the medal and bought 150 rupees.

Sanyal’s present life:
Sanyal with nobody to take care stayed in Kabiraj’s house. Now, Aditya went to Kabiraj’s house and asked for Sanyal. He met Sanyal and handed over Rs. 150 and he pardoned. But Sanyal refused to accept it. He asked for the medal.

Aditya brought the medal and gave it to Sanyal. He was happy. His joy has no bounds, when he got the medal back. For him the reputation was greater than the money.


Sasanka Sanya and Aditya studied in the same school. Sanyal was a brilliant student. He always stood in the first position. Aditya was not good at studies. He could not beat Sanyal. One day Sanyal received a prize for reciting Tagore’s poem, ‘Panraksha’. Aditya was jealous and he could not bear it. He took his medal and never returned it. Sanyal was angry but did not show it out.

They met again at Nagen’s tea shop after 29 years. Sanyal lived a cursed life. But he did not forget any incident of the past. He lost his wife and son. He sold his lands to get his daughter married. Then he got changed. Aditya gave him 150 rupees for the medal. But Sanyal refused it. He wanted his medal back. Aditya returned the medal to him. He was happy to regain his glory.


Sasanka Sanyal and Aditya were class mates.
Sanyal was a brilliant student.
Aditya could not beat him.
One day Sanyal received a prize for reciting Tagore’s poem.
Aditya was jealous.
Aditya took the medal and never returned it.
After 29 years they met again at Nagen’s tea shop.
Sanyal led a cursed life without his wife and son.
Aditya gave 150 rupees as a price for his medal.
Sanyal wanted only his medal and not the money.
Aditya gave the medal and Sanyal was very happy

Compound words:
A compound word is a combination of two or more words that function as a single unit of meaning. Ex: two-storeyed, neatly-combed, overwrought.

C. Complete the following table with two more compound words.

10th English Guide Prose Chapter 4 The Attic

D. Combine the words in column A with those in column B to form compound words as many as you can.


E. Form compound words from the boxes given below and fill in the blanks in the sentences that follow with the appropriate compound words.


Siva visited the hair stylist to have a clean …………….
Tharani had given the sarees for ………………..
The ……………….. is a natural process that warms the earth’s surface.
Never wait for an ……………….. to wake you up.
The children were late to school as there was a ………………… near the toll plaza.
The government expects every individual to promptly pay the ………………….
People usually wear ……………….. during summer.
The patients were asked to sit in the ………………. until the doctor arrived.
With teamwork we are able to multiply our ………………..
The room was looking bright with the colourful ………………..

hair cut
dry cleaning
green house
alarm clock
traffic jam
income tax
sun glasses
waiting room

F. (i) Form new words by adding appropriate prefix/suffix:



F. (ii) Frame sentences of your own using any five newly formed words.

He remembered …………… Childhood days.
There is a great ……………… advancement in the world.
This is an ……………… copy.
Ooty is ……………. in summer.
A few students were caught in ……………… in the public examination.


G. Fill in the blanks by adding appropriate prefix/suffix to the words given in brackets.

He was sleeping ……………… in his couch. (comfort)
Kavya rides a ……………….. to school. (cycle)
There was only a ………………… of people in the theatre. (hand)
It is ………………. to cut sandalwood treeš. (legal)
The ………………. of the President has been expected for the last half an hour. (arrive)
The man behaved ………………… in front of the crowd. (normal)
Swathy had no ……………….. of visiting the doctor. (intend)
The bacteria are so small that you need a ……………….. to see them. (scope)


A. Complete the sentences given below choosing the right connectors given in brackets.

Call me ………………. you need money, (so that, in order that, in case)
I forgot …………….. I had to meet the Principal, (whether, that, if)
……………….. he is ninety years old, he is in the pink of health, (when, since, though)
It is raining. Take an umbrella ………………. you will get drenched, (or else, and, but)
They faced many hardships ……………….. they are always cheerful, (although, nevertheless, otherwise)

in case
or else

B. Fill in the blanks with the connector that goes with the underlined words.

Both the minister ……………. the officers visited the affected areas.
Jaya teaches not only English ……………. Science.
Either Raghu …………… Bala will have to buy vegetables from the market.
No sooner did I enter the house ………….. it started drizzling.

but also

C. Combine the pairs of sentences using appropriate connectors.

Question 1.
Wecamelate.Wecljcj not missthe train?
Although we came late, we did not miss the train

Samacheer Kalvi 10th English Guide Prose Chapter 4 The Attic

Question 2.
They checked the packet twice. Then they sealed it.
After they checked the packet twice, they šealed it.

Question 3.
Sita saw a snake. At once she ran away?
As soon as Sita saw a snake, she ran away.

Samacheer Kalvi 10th English Guide Prose Chapter 4 The Attic

Question 4.
Robert completed the project. He submitted it to the teacher?
When Robert completed the project, he submitted it to the teacher.

Question 5.
Yusuf was running high temperature. He could not take part in the competition?
Since yusuf was running high temperature, he could not take part ¡n the competition.

D. Tick the correct linker.

Samacheer Kalvi 10th English Guide Prose Chapter 4 The Attic

E. Supply suitable linkers.

1. “ ………………. I was alive and had a human heart, “answered the statue, “I did not know what tears were, ……………….. I lived in the palace …………………. sorrow was not allowed to enter. My courtiers called me the Happy Prince …………………… Happy Indeed I was. So I lived and …………………. I died.
2. Many writers make incorrect sentences ……………………. they try to put sentences together. They may nake grammatical errors ………………….. leave out important punctuation marks. Making such mistakes is quite common ……………………. preparing the first draft. …………………. he must carefully edit his final draft.
3. In most large cities ………………… towns of our country, there are special schools for girls, there are many co-educational schools …………………. girls boys study together. Most parents allow their daughters to attend these schools, ……………….. there are some parents
are against such schools for girls …………………. the age of 14 or 15.
1. When, for, where, and, so
2. when, and, while, so
3. and, likewise, where, and, but, who, after

Answer and J likewise where J and but 1 who after

2. Many writers make incorrect sentences they try to put sentences together. They may
make grammatical errors leave out important punctuation marks. Making such mistakes
is quite common preparing the first draft. he must carefully edit his final
Answer when and while so

F. Rearrange the words in the correct order to make meaningful sentences.

1. as / I / healthy / are / you / am / as
I am as healthy as you are!

2. your / today / put on / new / since / is / birthday /dress / the
Since today is your birthday puton the new dress.

Samacheer Kalvi 10th English Guide Prose Chapter 4 The Attic

3. allergic / dogs / Rani / though / is / to / of / six / she / them / has
Though Rani is allergic to dogs, she has six of them.

4. speaks / Ruben / besides / German / languages / two
Ruben speaks two languages besides German.

Samacheer Kalvi 10th English Guide Prose Chapter 4 The Attic

5. loan / apply / you / if / for / you / a / get / will / immediately / it /
If you apply for a loan, you will get it immediately.

G. Nominalisation

Write the noun forms of the following words.


zeal, zealot, zealousness

H. Complete the following sentences using the noun form of the words given in brackets.
The boy had to give a proper …………………. for being late. (explain)
They could make ………………….. about the future.(predict)
At one point in life, he had no …………………. but to trust his friend. (choose)
The monuments are to be preserved because of their historical ………………… (significant)
It is very difficult to work with so many …………………. (distract)


I. Rewrite the sentenc neminalising the underlined words. The first one has been done for you.

Ex: Students work diligently to score well in exams.
Students work with diligence to score well in exams.

1. We succeeded in our attempt.
We got success in our attempt.

2. Nalini leads a happy life.
Nalini leads a life of happiness.

3. She failed and it disappointed her.
She failed and it was a disappointment to her.

4. India became an independent country in the year 1947.
India got independencein the year 1947

5. The child resembles her father.
The child has a resemblance of her father.

J. Combine the pairs of sentences given below into a single sentence using the noun form of the highlighted words.

1. He is an honest person. Everyone likes him.
Because of his honesty everyone likes him.

2. Sathya gave an explanation. The police wanted her to prove it.
Though Sathya gave an explanation the police wanted a proof for it.

3. He speaks well. It attracts all.
His speech gets an attraction from all.

4. Suresh is always punctual and regular. It has earned him a good job.
The punctuality and regularity of Suresh earned him a good job.

5. The policeman arrived quickly. It made us happy.
The quick arrival of the policeman made us happy.

K. Complete the sentences in the paragraph using the appropriate form of words given in brackets.

Question 1.
My sister wanted to go to Mumbai last week. She made a ………………. (decide) to buy a ticket at once. As ……………. (reserve) could be done online, she gave (prefer) to book a ticket that way. First, she collected ……………….. (inform) about the …………….. (arrive) and ………………. (depart) of trains and airplanes.
decision, reservation, preference, information, arrival, departure

Question 2.
A few days later, Androcles was captured by his master. He had to suffer all kinds of ………………… (punish). At last, he was thrown to a lion which was in great ……………….. (hungry). It had been kept in an ……………….. (enclose) and had not been fed for several days. His friends stood there with ……………….. (tear) eyes as the lion rushed towards him. The lion stopped near him and stood for a while ………………… (look) at him. Then it lay down by his side like a pet dog. (obvious), the lion recognized Androcles and the ………………… (help) he had given it.
punishment, hunger, enclosure, tearful, looking, obviously, help

L. Identify the phrases in the following sentences and classify them as Adjective, Adverb or Noun phrases.

The girl in ………………. is my sister. [Adjective phrase]
Kohli hopes to win ……………….. [Noun phrase]
The train halts ……………….. [Adverb phrase]
I have never seen ………………. [Noun phrase]
She worked in …………………. [Adverb phrase]

in blue saree
the trophy
at every junction
such a picture
an enthusiastic manner
Kinds Of Clauses:

1. Adverb Clause:
It modifies the verb, that is, it tells something about the action. This Clause gives details about the action.

The students were sitting quietly in the classroom until the teacher arrived.
(The highlighted part of the sentence speaks about the time of the action)

2. Noun Clause:
This clause functions as a noun.
Example: Whoever wins the contest will get a prize.
(The highlighted portion acts as a noun here)

3. Adjective Clause:
It acts as an adjective and describes a noun.
Example: I went to the place where I was born.
(The highlighted words describes the place)

M. Identify the clauses and classify them accordingly.

Ram bought a pen ………………… [Adjective clause]
Come back ………………… [Adverb clause]
Most of her friends ………………… attended her wedding. [Noun clause]
My brother visits my father ……………….. [Adverb clause]
Call me ……………….. [Adverb clause]
………………… the old woman cannot step out of her house. [Adverb clause]
She knows ………………… [Noun clause]
You can go ………………….. [Adverb clause]

that doesn’t write well
as soon as possible
whom she had invited
whenever he comes to Chennai
in case there is an emergency
Until the sun sets
where I go
wherever you want

N. Fill in the blanks:

………………… into your IRCTC account.
Fill in the information asked to you in …………………. section.
The ……………….. and ………………… of your journey must also be selected.
List of ……………….. trains will appear.
You must check on the ………………….. and …………………. for the train of your choice.
Your personal details like ………………. are ………………… must.
After filling information and captcha click on …………………. booking.
You can make the payment either by …………………. or …………………..

book your ticket
starting point, destination
availability, fare
name, date of birth
credit / debit cards, e – wallets

Read the following letter from a parent to her son’s coach and answer the questions given below:

Dear coach,
Thanks for the special gifts that you have given to my child. You learned his name and spoke it often. You taught him the basics of the sport as well as special ways to improve and excel. Although you had a whole team of kids to mentor, you took time for individual instruction where needed.

Under your care, I have watched him transform from a timid, doubting child to a strong, happy player willing to give all for the team. Throughout the season when he gave his best, even though it was not quite enough to gain that extra point, you recognised his contribution with a pat on the back and encouraging words.

Your wise approach showed him that, although winning is a goal, there are other goals just as worthy. He learned the value of finishing what he started and joy of personal accomplishment. These attributes carried him through a season that was full of hard work and fun, discouragement and resolve, defeat and victory.

And at the very end, at the championship meet when he brought home his first place medal, you were among those who were so very proud of how far he had come.

It is a victory to all of us. What amazes me is you’ve taught them skills that will last a lifetime. You’ve kindled in them a desire to excel. The medals, trophies and ribbons are all symbols of real gifts. These most certainly have had to come straight from your heart.

With appreciation,
A parent.

P. Answer the following questions:

Question 1.
What did the coach teach the child?
The coach taught the child the basics of sports as well as special ways to improve and excel.

Samacheer Kalvi 10th English Guide Prose Chapter 4 The Attic

Question 2.
What values did the child learn?
He learned the value of finishing what he started and the joy of personal accomplishments.

Question 3.
The parents noticed some changes in the child. What were they?
The child had transformed from a timid, doubting child to a strong, happy player willing to give all for a team.

Question 4.
Read the letter again and write a few lines on each of the following:
(a) things that the coach taught ………………….
Basics of sports as well as special ways to improve and excel.

(b) transformation in the child …………………
He was transformed from a timid, doubting child to a strong, happy player willing to give all for the team.

(c) things that amazed the writer ………………….
The coach taught him the skills that will last a life time. He had kindled in them a desire to excel.

5. Find sentences /words from the text which express the following:

(a) The parent’s earlier view of the child.
He was a timid and doubting child

(b) One of the qualities of the teacher.
Wise approach

(c) Words related to prize.
Medals, trophies and ribbons.

Q. Prepare notice for the following

World Elder’s Day15 November 20 …………….All the students are informed that our school is celebrating World Elders’ Day on the 20th of December at 3.30 p.m. in our school auditorium. Interested students are requested to bring their grandparents for the celebration. Tea and snacks will be provided. Fun activities will also be organised.
Head Boy/ Head Girl

(i) You are the school monitor, of Modern Matriculation School, Villupuram. Your school Principal has requested you to inform the students about a trip to Yercaud for 3 days. Prepare a notice giving the details such as date of journey, mode of transportation, amount, dress code etc.

Modern Matriculation School, Villupuram

20th September, 2020Dear Students,
You are informed that a trip to Yercaud has been planned for 3 days on 15, 16, 17 October 2020. The total cost for transportation by luxury coach, boarding and lodging is Rs.2500/- only. Students who are interested may register their names at our school office by 3 October, 2020. All must come to school in uniform only.
Ranjit Kumar
School monitor

(ii) You are the Secretary of Park Circus Residents Welfare Association. Write a notice to inform the residents of your colony of a Meditation program under the guidance of Dr. P. Ranjit with a view to understanding the self better. The program is exclusively for the residents It will be conducted on the second Saturday of the following month between 7.00 a.m. to 9.00 a.m. at the children’s park nearby.

Park Circus Residents Welfare Association Meditation Programme
15 September, 2020A meditation programme has been organised under the guidance of Dr. P. Ranjit at the children’s park in our colony. It is to be conducted on the second Saturday of May between 7.00 am to 9 a.m. All the residents of our colony are asked to participate with a view to understanding the self better.

(iii) You are Ganesh/Gayathri Head boy/Head girl, of your school. Write a notice for your school notice board informing the students about the ‘Fancy Fete’ that is going to be organised in your school campus on the 10th of next month.

Loyola Matriculation School,
NGO A Colony, Tirunelveli 627 007
25 July, 2020A ‘Fancy Fete’ will be conducted in our school premises on 10th August 2020. Students who wish to participate in this programme may give their names to their respective class teachers on or before 30 July 2020.
Head Girl

R. write an article of the following:

(i) You are Jansi/Avinash of Class X studying in GHSS, Chengalpet. You believe that physical activities improve our health and reduce the risk of sickness. It has got immediate and long term benefits. Write an article in not more than 150-200 words for your school magazine stressing the importance of physical activities in a students day to day life.

Physical Activities
By Jansi

There are many reasons why regular activity boost our health. We know that being active is one of best ways to keep our body healthy. Regular physical activity or exercise can relieve stress, anxiety, depression and anger. One may feel good sensation after doing the physical activity. Most peopfe notice that they feel better over time as physical activity becomes a regular part of their lives.

Without regular activity our body slowly loses it strength, stamina and ability to function properly. Exercises increase the muscle strength, which in turn increase our ability to do other physical activities. Physical exercise makes our muscles strong and stout. It helps digesting food. It also helps the free circulation of blood and keeps our mind fresh.

As a result the people who take physical exercise regularly are free from various diseases. It should be taken at proper place and time. It should be taken in an open area in the morning or in the evening. As health is wealth, we should take physical exercise regularly to keep this wealth good. It should also be remembered that too much of physical exercise is harmful to health. Needless to say that over – exercise can deform and fracture different organs of our bodies.

(ii) The service provided by the conservancy workers in your city is very poor. You find all the street corners dumped with garbage thrown by the residents of the locality. It causes a menace for the public at large. You are Ramya/Rajan of Class X, studying in TM Model School, Dharmapuri. Write an article in about 150-200 words to the editor of The Indian Express, about this and suggest ways by which the situation could be improved.

Garbage Menace
By Rajan

I would like to bring to the notice of the authority concerned through your leading newspaper about the garbage menace in our locality. The sanitary condition of our streets are getting worse as they are dumped with garbage thrown by the residents of this area.

It causes a menace for the public at large. The streets with heaps of garbage as the sweepers absent themselves often, though we have complained to the authorities, we haven’t got any response from them.

These garbage heaps are a source of noxious stink and spreading of so many diseases. This garbage has lots of plastic and other dangerous substances in it. When these substances are burnt toxic gases are released into the atmosphere.

These pose a serious threat to the health of residents especially the children and the aged people. I appeal to the authorities concerned to look into this matter and take stern actions for the speedy disposal of the garbage heaps.

(iii) Recently while returning home from school you were knocked down by a speeding motorcycle. You escaped with minor injuries. You are Kishore/ Kavitha of class XI, studying in GHSS, Coimbatore. Write an article to The Hindu, in about 150-200 words expressing your concern about the increasing number of road accidents due to reckless driving. Also stress the importance of following traffic rules.

The importance of following Traffic Rules.
By Kishore

Traffic rules are framed to protect us on the road. We must follow them carefully, when we fail to follow them, we are not only putting ourselves at risk but also the innocent by standers and drivers. By Following the rules of the road, practising good driving skills and generally taking care as a good road user, one may play a vital role in preventing an accident.

As the traffic is increasing day by day in the country, government is making new roads for better environment and to avoid such hustle and bustle on the roads. It is necessary that rules are to be followed by each and every citizen.

People have to follow the traffic signals sincerely. This helps them for their safe journey. People should also avoid using mobile phones while driving a motor car or motor cycle. If we follow the rules of the road, the accidents will not follow us. I request you to publish in the column of your esteemed daily for the benefits of the motorists as well as the public.


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